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Episode 332: Presentations Visuals
Last week we talked about when presenting, you need to transfer your energy to the audience. However don’t...
Episode #227: Johhny Yoo, CEO WeWork Japan
Previously Johhny was Vice-President and Corporate Officer Softbank Corp (mobile) Entrepreneur AgriTech Comp...
Episode #231: Dealing With Objections In Japan
Hearing “no” isn’t easy, especially in sales. It’s a rejection we often react to emotionally, pushing harder...
Episode 331: Ending Presentations Secrets
This is a tricky part of designing and delivering our presentations. Think back to the last few presentatio...
Episode #226: Emmanuel Marchat, Representative Director Stahl, Japan
Previously Emmanuel was the Representative Director for Camso (Michelin Japan and Korea), General Manager Eu...
Episode #230: Leadership Visionary In Japan
Visionary leaders are often seen as motivators and guides, but to lead effectively, they must first have a c...
Episode 330: Common Sense Needed More
As the leader we have to work on the presumption that people know what they are doing. It is impossible to m...
Episode #229: Dress Presentation When Presenting In Japan
The saying goes that there are "lies, damn lies, and statistics," and in the world of presenting, an often m...
Ross Rowbury, Previous President of Edelman Japan
Ross Rowbury, Previous President of Edelman Japan, celebrated his 40th anniversary since first arriving in J...
Episode 329: Join The Buyer Conversation In Japan
Life is busy, busy today. Communications has sped up business to an extent unthinkable even ten years ago. ...
Jeremy Sampson, Previously Managing Director of Robert Walters Japan, now CEO N.E. Asia and Greater China
Jeremy Sampson, Managing Director of Robert Walters Japan, originally started his career at Hilton Hotel in ...
Episode #228: Ending Your FY Powerfully In Japan
Salespeople often fall into a rhythm of easing off as the year-end approaches, especially in Japan, where th...
Episode 328: Dealing With Questions When Presenting In Japan
Having an audience interested enough in your topic to ask questions is a heartening occurrence. Japan can b...
Episode #227: Getting Trust In Japan
Leaders often rely on “automatic trust,” stemming from their authority, to gain compliance from team members...
Episode 327: Build Your Team In Japan
Teams are fluid. People move or leave and new people join. Targets go up every year. The compliance and regu...
Episode #226: Using Slide Visuals In Japan
Many people ask us at Dale Carnegie, what should I do with preparing my slide deck for my key note presentat...
Episode 326: When to Say "No" To The Buyer In Japan
Normally, as the seller, we are getting told “no” in sales, rather than the other way around. When salespeo...
Episode #225: Needed Basics in Sales In Japan
We get lazy. We start cutting corners. We get off our game. We chill, cruise and take the foot off the pe...
Episode 325: Your Good Old Days Stuff Is Dull
Gaining credibility as a speaker is obviously important. We often do this by telling our own experiences. H...
Episode #225: Bela Schweiger, Previous Vice-President and Board Director at Haagen Dazs Japan
Today Bela is the Chief Executive of Sans Frontiers Enter Japan K.K., Board Advisor to Soul Mate Company, Se...
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