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Episode #110: Including Dialogue In Our Presentations
Normally when we give presentations, they tend to be pretty dry affairs. We marshal the facts, relate what ...
Episode #54: Sales Is Easy, So Why Do We Make It So Hard
The object of a sale is to exchange a good or a service for money. The degree to which that money can exceed...
Episode #109: Plumb Your Own Experiences For Content When Presenting
It is ironic how talkative we are on some subjects, but how lost we are when it comes to giving public talks...
Episode #313: How To Fix Burnout
Previously we looked at preventing burnout but what happens if we missed that tide and the ship didn’t sail?...
Episode #312: How To Use Networking To Increase Your Revenues
There are two varieties of networks here for me - the Japanese speaking and the English speaking. With regar...
Episode #108: Presentation Planning And Delivery
Episode #53: Clueless Cold Calling In Japan
Cold calling always creates a debate amongst the sales community. Some say it has seen it’s day, others defe...
Episode #311: Don't Hit Burnout Baby
Leaders encountering this title preventing burnout might be thinking “I am tough, self-reliant, hairy cheste...
Episode #107: What Is the Right Length For Your Speech
This was a gala affair for a very worthy cause. A grand setting. Beautiful ladies in evening gowns, men res...
Episode #310: Dealing With Superstars In Your Business
We are all looking to develop talent within the ranks. We invest time and treasure to boost skills and expe...
Episode #106: How To Get Speaking Gigs To Promote Your Personal Brand
A businessman reached out to me after attending my recent speech on “The Seven Deadly Fails Of Selling In Ja...
Episode #52: Dealing With Buyer Push Back
Pricing is usually set by the boss and salespeople are just there to get out and sell at that designation. T...
Episode #309: How You Can Get Engagement In Japan
We know there are many challenges to getting the team to embrace changes. Resistance, poor buy in, fear of t...
Episode #105: Creating Your Personal Style When Presenting
When we are writing, we can create a style of our own. The way we use certain vocabulary, the phrasing we a...
Episode #51: Excuse Time Is Over Baby
“I would be able to sell a lot more except for all the extraneous, external factors over which I have zero c...
Episode #308: Anticipating Trouble Before Activating Change Engagement
Change is glacial in Japan. Everyone complains about everything but no one wants to change anything if it i...
Episode #50: "I'm Listening". No You're Not!
Sales people are always under pressure to meet their targets. In high pressure situations, this creates cert...
Episode #307: What Do you Do When Key People Quit
I once had the perfect team in business. I had spent years hiring well and really putting a lot into traini...
Episode #49: Salespeople Need Better Self-Awareness
Sales is one of the few things in business you can measure accurately and immediately. Are you getting great...
Episode #306: Why Japanese Staff Refuse Leadership Positions
It is an irony. In the West ambitious people have the elbows out to bundle you out of their way. They are s...
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