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Episode #119 Um, Um, Um, Er, I, Um, Ah, Um
My former colleague was a notorious “ummer” and “ahher”. “Um, I, um, would, um, like to um, say um, thank yo...
Episode #64: Story San, We'll Think About It
In Japan, this “We’ll think about it” response is often the result at the second meeting with the client. In...
Episode #118: Naomi Osaka's Public Speaking Lessons
Congratulations to tennis star Naomi Osaka for winning the Australian open and rising to Number One ranking ...
Episode #117: How To Handle Killer Questions From Your Audience
We have probably all been on the receiving end of it or have been a witness to it. The presentation is compl...
Episode #63: Admitting Wrong In Customer Service
Sometimes things go wrong. Mistakes are made, errors pop up, best laid plans are laid low. Stuff happens. Ho...
Episode #62: Don't Blow The Solution Presentation To The Buyer
Finding clients is an art and so is building trust and credibility that you can help them solve their busine...
Episode #116: Be Fearless. Become A Considered Self Promoter To Grow Your Business
I am infamous in Tokyo. I always ask the first question of the speaker at an event. “Oh Greg, you always as...
Episode #61: Widen That Buyer Gap Or Else
Having a buying need and doing something about it can often be quite disparate ideas. There are many things ...
Episode #60: Handling Buyer Objections
None of us like to hear “no”. We are raised with this word from our parents and we didn’t like getting it th...
Episode #115: The Impromptu Talk
If you are called upon at an internal meeting with the big bosses, or during an external public event, to su...
Episode #59: Buyers Please Object
Buyers should buy and not quibble, hesitate or question. That at least is what salespeople hope for. That ma...
Episode #114: One Of Your Most Vital Presentations
Usually when we hear the term “presentation”, we think of a public arena, a big crowd and a lot of formality...
Episode #58: Stop Cutting Corners
Life is full of various rhythms and flows. We have a set piece most mornings. Arise, eat, get ready for work...
Episode #113: Firing Up An Audience
Whenever I am in the USA, I love watching the different television preachers in action. I am not looking fo...
Episode #57: How To End The Year Strong
Salespeople work to certain rhythms. One of the negative rhythms is to ease off as we get close to the end o...
Episode #112: The Japan Gap Between Speaker And Audience Is Still Vast
Lawyers in Japan are an elite group. Senior lawyers are the elite of the super elite. When I landed in Tok...
Episode #56: Brand Killing Customer Service
You really appreciate the importance of brand, when you see it being trashed. Companies spend millions over ...
Episode #111: If You Want Your Audience To Be Enthusiastic, Act Enthusiastic Yourself
There is an old truism in sales, “sales is nothing more than the transfer of the enthusiasm of the seller fo...
Episode #55 Back To Basics Baby
We get lazy. We start cutting corners. We get off our game. We chill, cruise and take the foot off the pedal...
Episode #314: Killing Rumours And Misconceptions
Staffing is a subject that gets a lot of attention from those within and without the organisation. Those ou...
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