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Episode #346: Hire People Smarter Than You And Trust Their Judgement
Allan Smith: Ex-CEO of RGA Japan Generally speaking, compared to other nationalities, they are a bit more r...
Episode #115: Selling Yourself First
Selling yourself first can have two dimensions. One is selling yourself on the product or service, so that ...
Episode #49 How To Keep Departure Damage To A Minimum
The classic brutalist image of a departure from the firm is from the finance industry. The departee is hande...
Episode #169: Small Target Tactics For Hostile Audiences
Presenting isn’t always adoration, adulation, regard and agreement. Sometimes, we have to go into hostile t...
Episode #345: You Have Not Come Here To Be Comfortable As A Leader
Nikhil Gutpe The standard dress code is much more formal in Japan than many other countries, even including...
Episode #114: Lying Salespeople
Riffraff inhabit all corners of the business world, but the sales profession suffers more than many others. ...
Episode #48 Key Things Not To Do When Negotiating
We rarely meet super pro negotiators in business. Often the other side are just like us, rank amateurs. B...
Episode #168: Dress For Success When Presenting
How should we dress when presenting and does it actually matter? It matters - particularly in Japan. Japan...
Episode #113: Client Need Clarity
Do we have a clear understanding of what the client’s needs are? These can vary beyond the obvious of incre...
Episode #167: Using Micro Stories When Presenting
Storytelling is one of those things that we all know about, but where we could do a much better job of utili...
Episode #344: Five Generations Of Leadership Learning In Japan-Seiichiro Asakawa
Seiichiro Asakawa As a leader, I learned to not compete on things I did not have expertise in. I had a fina...
Episode #343: Be An Authentic, Vulnerable Leader To Draw People To You
Paul Hardisty Once you walk the talk over a given period of time as a leader, you gain trust, and then peop...
Episode #166: 2020 Here We Go - Let's Build Our Personal Brand As A Presenter
The New Year’s resolutions concept is ridiculous, but only because we are weak, lazy, inconsistent and lacki...
Episode #111: Join The Conversation Going On In Your Prospect's Mind
We have all had the experience of talking at cross purposes with someone. We are both having a conversation...
Episode #342: The 2020 Leader
Are you a perfect leader? If you are, bully for you. For the rest of us we continue on the journey. As th...
Episode #165: Reflecting On Your Past Presentations
As the calendar year slowly winds down, now is a good time to review and reflect upon the presentations you ...
Episode #112: Never Forget A Customer; Never Let A Customer Forget You
This is an old saying in sales and one we forget at our cost. We might have made the sale and then we keep ...
Episode #164: Leading An Intentional Presenter Life In 2020
Are we going slowly glide in 2020 carrying all the bad habits and bad baggage from everything we have though...
Episode #109: Forensic Sales Questioning Skills
The idea of asking questions of buyers during sales calls is actually ancient. For at least eighty years, w...
Episode #110: The Successful Salesman and Saleswoman Has A Plan
“We don’t plan to fail, we fail to plan”, is an old saw that is still true today. Despite an avalanche of t...
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