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Episode #38 Finding Your Confidence
Our collective level of confidence can make a huge difference in the workplace. If we are prepared to try t...
Episode #126: Saying "No" To Buyers
Normally, as the seller, we are getting told “no” in sales, rather than the other way around. When salespeo...
Episode #127: Breaking Into The Mind Of The Buyer
Life is busy, busy today. Communications has sped up business to an extent unthinkable even ten years ago. ...
Episode #57 Ideal Sales Environment Construction
Sales is a difficult world, but there are certain environments which lend themselves more toward making sale...
Episode #58 No Mistakes Allowed In Japan
We all want to go to heaven, but none of us want to die. We all want change, but we don’t want to change. ...
Episode #177: Covid-19 And On-Line Presentation Skills
GIGO is a useful acronym from the past, which we can employ for the current problem we have conducting busin...
Episode #356: Leading From The Covid-19 War Frontline
In wartime, there are leaders back at HQ, pouring over maps, receiving intelligence, creating strategies and...
Episode #125: Three Keys For Sales Success
Know, like and trust are critical components for success in business. The “know” bit hopefully is being ta...
Episode #56 How Not To Blow Your Acceptance Speech
When you are under the spotlight in business you have to shine. Yet, so often, we see people catapulted to ...
Episode #176 Covid-19 Challenges Leaders' Communication Skills
Most leaders tend to underestimate the importance of communicating with their teams even in normal times. W...
Episode #355: Lockdown Leadership And Coordination
Technically Japan hasn’t gone into lockdown, as other countries have, but in typical Japanese fashion, it is...
Episode #55 Learn To Outperform The Competition
Honey works better than vinegar in attracting people and their cooperation. We know that, so why do we forg...
Episode #175: Should I Recycle My Content Between Presentations
We go to a lot of effort to prepare for our presentations. We find the best quality information, assemble t...
Episode #354: The Nuts And Bolts Of Running Virtul Meetings
Running meetings used to pretty straightforward. We would all assemble in the meeting room, go through the ...
Episode #123: Your Price Is Too High - Your Reply Is?
When your client hits you with 'your price is too high" what do you say? Are you flustered, wondering how to...
Episode #124: How To Deal With The Dog Days Of Sales
Nothing goes in a straight line in sales, does it. That order we received gets canceled, suddenly, inexplic...
Episode #174: Owning Your Material When You Didn't Create It
The minions are swarming around the venue. There are people setting up cameras, sound equipment, teleprompt...
Episode #353: Leading Your Japanese Team In Lockdown
Your team are sitting at home, unable to go outside and so as the leader what are your priorities? Crunchin...
Episode #122: What To Say When You Get A “No” In Sales
What are the chances of getting a “no” to your offer in sales? Probably around 70% of the time, this is wha...
Episode #352: Covid-19 Financial Crisis Leadership
The Covid-19 virus is nomadic, persistently wandering around the countries of the world infecting people and...
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