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Episode #69 Nice Or Nasty Bosses
Boss positions over others are often the last refuge of insecure people. They are like little Napoleons, bo...
Episode #188: When Is High Energy Over The Top
Recently, I was watching a presenter online, teaching others how to do online presentations. Man, he was rea...
Episode #367: How To Join The Culture Champion Workplaces – Part One
Harvard Emeritus Professor James Heskett’s comparative study of the impact culture has on corporate financia...
Episode #135: Why Everyone Hates Salespeople
We don’t deserve it, well most of us don’t deserve it, but there is a very strong negative perception of sal...
Episode #67 The Biggest Myth In Presenting
Urban myths usually spring from a scintilla of truth and then morph into something unrecognizable from the o...
Episode #187: How To Moderate Online Meetings
It is a curious word “moderate”. It means “make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent”. The...
Episode #366: Leadership For Sales Managers In The Online World
Covid-19 hit business in Japan like a brick thown through a shop window. All of a sudden everything was a m...
Episode #66 Hey Leaders - Do You Scowl Or Smile
We all know first impressions are so important and so hard to unwind. Well given we know that, why are we s...
Episode #186: Be Clear With Your OnLine Instructions
When we are immersed in our subject, be it a topic we are speaking on or a work theme we have lived and breat...
Episode #365: Back To The Future At The Workplace
Let’s presume you have all of the safety protocols in place for providing a safe working environment. How d...
Episode #134: Why Japanese Salespeople Won't Question The Buyer
Consultative selling, value selling, insight selling, etc., all rely on one crucial factor to be successful....
Episode #65 Not A Sales Thank You, Repeat Sales Please
Quotas, budgets, targets, feared employment oblivion all drive salespeople toward making sales. Some go for...
Episode #185: Confused Or Competent Online Presenting?
The tech factor in online presenting is a juggernaut which sweeps all in its path. I was finishing up a thre...
Episode #364: The Great Safe Return To The Workplace Caper in Japan
Congratulations on escaping the Covid-19 virus by staying safe and working from home. We all want to see ou...
Episode #184: Dealing With Confrontational Questions In The On-Line World
When we give our presentation on-line we are in full control of the situation. We know what we are going to ...
Episode #363: Seize The Moment With Your Leader Storytelling
Covid-19 has changed the world from a personal health risk point of view and has also trashed industries, ca...
Episode #133: What Do You Do When You Screw Up The Delivery
Sales is the front of house part of business but often the delivery of the product or service is done by som...
Episode #64 Design Your Talk For Success
Okay, I have a presentation to give, so which slides can I use? Bad idea. This is the last thing you shoul...
Episode #183: Dead Dog Covid-19 Presenters
When times are good a lot of things are kept muted, hidden, obscured. As Warren Buffett mentioned about dodg...
Episode #362: Social Intelligence For Leaders In Covid-19
We admire people with very high IQs, as badges of intellectual prowess. Members of Mensa International are ...
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