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Episode #147: Why We Mess Up Customer Service
Poor customer service really irritates us. When we bump into it, we feel betrayed by the fIrm. We have pai...
Episode #85 Where Should I Stand When I Am Presenting
Most presenters fail to consider the importance of where to stand when presenting. We will go into some det...
Episode #202: How To Become A Much Clearer And Better Regarded Presenter
Waffle. This is the enemy of speakers and presenters. Ums and Ahs are obvious fillers. We all recognise th...
Episode #146: Typical Japanese Salespeople's Objection Handling Issues
Getting pushback, rejection, disinterest when you present your solution to the client’s problems is the natu...
Episode #84 How To Master The Daily Info Tsunami
The pace is unrelenting. The world is producing information at a prodigious rate and somehow we are suppose...
Episode #201: Energy Makes Such A Difference In The Online Small Screen
Trapped in a small screen in the corner of the monitor has become everyone’s reality when we have group meeti...
Episode #384: Leadership Principles Are An Absolute Must
Harvard Business School, Stanford Business School and INSEAD Business School are all awesome institutions. ...
Episode #383: How Decisions Are Really Made Inside Japanese Companies
The President of a company is a very powerful force. They drive the direction, the strategy and the culture...
Episode #145: Generating Your Own Leads In Sales
Marketing plays a key role in generating leads. They are trying to maximise the accuracy of the segmentatio...
Episode #83 New Client Acquisition
If we don’t have a nice flow of new clients we cannot expand the business or replace clients who have droppe...
Episode #200: Business Presentations Are Not Boring, But You May Be
We have all grown up in business watching internal presentations at our firms. It might be a big announcemen...
Episode #382: Leaders Need To Empty Their Cup
Tokusan the scholar visited Ryutan the Zen Master to learn about Zen. Tokusan was a very smart fellow and v...
Episode #82 Using Your Hands
New clients are the lifeblood of businesses. Keeping clients is difficult, things change and they disappear...
Episode #381: Key Competencies Needed To Lead Others (Part Two)
In Part One we looked at two broad categories of leadership competences around being Self-Aware and having A...
Episode #81 Professional Leader As The Coach
Leaders become leaders because they were the best at their job, their tasks, their function. They are promot...
Episode #199: Why Your Posture Is Important When Presenting
“Don’t round your back”, “Stand up straight”, “Pull your shoulders back”, are common parental commands when w...
Episode #380: Key Competencies Needed To Lead Others (Part One)
Leading is super easy. You are given the title, the authority, the budget, the power and then you just tell...
Episode #80 True North In Sales
What are we on about with this sales lark? Are we in sales to make our fortune or to make the client their ...
Episode #198: Stand And Deliver When Presenting Online
We have all migrated back to our homes, waiting for the great pandemic to subside, so that when the coast is ...
Episode #379: The Slings And Arrows of Outrageous Fortune Running A Virtual Team
Japan has some set pieces around leadership. The Middle Manager boss sits at the head of an array of desks ...
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