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Episode #162 Selling Yourself Before You Meet The Client
I have been recruiting new staff over these last few months. One of the younger candidates breezily told me...
Episode #400: Leading in the Era of Pandemics
The WHO team investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan came up empty. A lot of fairy flos...
Episode #217: How Much Should You Brag About Yourself When Presenting
Bruce Springsteen’s song Glory Days lyric, “Boring stories of Glory days yeah, they’ll pass you by” pops into...
Episode #99: Leaders, How To Get Your Act Together
Here is a simple question – are you only working on the highest value items, that only you can do? Some thi...
Episode #161: How To Sell To A Buying Team
Selling to companies in Japan usually means sitting in a meeting room with a single buyer or perhaps two peo...
Episode #399: To SER With Love
In the movie “To Sir, With Love”, Sidney Poitier was brilliant in the role of a black teacher in a tough Lon...
Episode #216: Facilitation Skills For Presenters
In the public arena most presentations follow a set formula. I speak, I stop, you ask me questions and then I...
Episode #98: Stop Being Hopeless In Client Meetings
In this modern day and age a salesperson just swanning into a meeting and asking the client really basic inf...
Episode #160: Nine Major Mistakes By Japanese Salespeople
We see Japan as a modern, high tech country very advanced in so many sectors. Sales is not one of them. Co...
Episode #398: The Year Two Covid Danger Zone For Leaders
Covid-19 popped up out of nowhere in January 2020 and we began following the news reports about this mysteri...
Episode #215: What Is Enjoyable About Public Speaking?
For many people it may seem we are getting into oxymoron territory here. “Public speaking…enjoyable? You mu...
Episode #97 Technical Presenters Biggest Mistakes
Technical experts are rarely expert presenters. Why is that? They are smart, well educated, highly knowled...
Episode #159: My Clients Never Call Me Back
Today in business, reaching anyone by telephone is nothing less than a miracle. Japan is particularly good ...
Episode #397: Four Superheroes of Coaching for Leaders
We have seen Hollywood pumping out comic heroes as movie franchises to get the money flowing into the studio...
Episode #214: Simutaneously Dealing With All Four Audience Types When Presenting
Experts, pseudo experts, amateurs, believers, sceptics, supporters, enemies make up that sea of faces in fron...
Episode #158: The One Minute Pitch
If you have been following me for a while, you know how down I am on pitching. This is the standard modus o...
Episode #96 Ignore Your Business School Advice
Academic studies of business are important sources of case studies, theories and new research. All great st...
Episode #396: Working Through Others Who Are Not Working
The chain of command is a well established military leadership given. I have three stripes, you have none, ...
Episode #213: You Need More Kiai In Your Presentation Delivery
In our High Impact Presentations (HIP) course, we do a number of presentations over two days of training. Wh...
Episode #157: Add Some BANTER To Your Next Sales Call
I am a permanent student of sales. I study the books and tapes from the greats – J. Douglas Edwards, Charli...
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