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Episode #44: Christian Wolf, Managing Director, JAS Forwarding Japan
Christian Wolf, Managing Director of JAS Forwarding Japan originally moved to Japan straight out of universi...
Episode #43: Paul Goldsmith, Country Manager, Aquent Japan
Paul Goldsmith, Country Manager of Aquent Japan, shared his extensive leadership experience in the recruitme...
Episode #88: Cold Calling Scripts
Cold calling is a nightmare at the best of times and even much worse when we don’t know what we are doing. ...
Episode #87: We All Need Catalysts
Ever heard that a training course changed somebody's life? "It was good", "I enjoyed it", “I learnt somethi...
Episode #86: Delivery Skills Rule in Presenting
Memorizing speeches and reading them are both bad ideas. Okay. Then what are we supposed to do? Find out ...
Episode #85: Have a Sales Point of View
People enter sales with no thought. They find it is tough and leave or are fired. How about basing your sa...
Episode #84: Habit Your Way To Success
Bad habits feed off laziness and inflexibility. Good habits need discipline, work, consistency. Which is p...
Episode #83: How To Own Your Audience
Idiots believe content quality and value trumps delivery. Limited concentration spans in this Age of distra...
Episode #82: People Harden Up
We think sales is tough and we are sick of clients saying no. We want to quit. When you consider this story...
Episode #81: Presenting Rule Number One
Being too clever by half is never a good idea for a presenter. We are here to make our points crystal clear...
Episode #80: Sales Presenting Skills
Being influential and persuasive are professional skills. Salespeople need both but often are not trained i...
Episode #79: Employ Your Secret Weapon
First impressions are vital in business and in life, yet so many companies get this simple thing wrong. How...
Episode #78: To Get Your Presentation Right Get Your Breathing Right
Breathing is such a natural act and normally, we don’t pay it much attention. Somehow though, when we are g...
Episode #188: Don't Snatch Defeat from Victory in Sales
Sales is easy if you know what you are doing. It is a flow, where each step intersects with the previous on...
Episode #187: Huge Auditorium Presentations Are Complex
Owning the room is doable with an audience of one hundred people but much more challenging when there are fi...
Episode #186: The Art of Leading a Foreign Business in Japan
Running a business in Japan is not for the faint hearted. Plenty of big companies with deep pockets have fa...
Episode #185: Sales Objections, Welcome
Getting an objection from a buyer is a joy. Getting nothing is a pain. At least when they object, they are...
Episode #184: How To Defeat Imposter Syndrome As A Presenter
Presenting exposes a lot about us to our listeners. In this modern age it is more and more important that w...
Episode #183: Can Leadership Be Automated?
As a species, we like to dominate rather than be dominated, which is why we are trashing the planet so vigor...
Episode #182: Basics Are Everything
The sale waits for no man. Either you make that sale or your competitor does. If it is a non-starter then ...
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