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Episode #247: Presenting In A Post Covid World
The end is near. The end of Covid that is, as we see vaccinations increase and get us all closer to herd imm...
Episode #59: Dr. Jochen Legewie, Partner & Chairman Asia, Kekst CNC
Dr. Jochen Legewie takes us through his 30 years of leadership journey in Japan, starting at Daimler and the...
Episode #420: Do You Have A Leadership Philosophy
We are often leadership practitioners, rather than genteel philosophers, pontificating on leadership issues....
Episode #246: How To Sell From The Stage
Group crowdsourcing has been around since cave dweller days. Gathering a crowd of prospects and getting the...
Episode #246: How To Be A Star in Business Interviews
Being interviewed by the media can be a high risk affair, depending on the publication, the journalist and th...
Episode #193: Presenters Can Learn From Script Writers
Most of the presentations we listen to are a tour de force of data and less than fascinating facts. Yet the ...
Episode #58: Hans Heijligers, Head of Japan, IHG Hotels and Resorts
Hans Heijligers shares his global leadership insight having led in over a dozen countries before becoming th...
Episode #92: Superstar Pressure
We want profile. We want respect. We want plaudits. We want recognition. The problem is often we are tot...
Episode #419: Employer Branding About To Relaunch
Covid is raging again, but we can see the end, be it this year or next year. It will finally stop being our ...
Episode #418: Leadership Challenges Post Covid
The faintest glimmer of hope is reflecting off a trillion hypodermic needle tips, as we vaccinate our way ou...
Episode #245: That Sounds Pricey
Japanese salespeople should love to hear “that sounds pricey” from buyers. Why? Because they know that thi...
Episode #192: Staff Shortages Change The Business Dynamic Entirely
We are running out of young people in Japan. Covid has slowed down some major structural changes which must...
Episode #245: How To Develop Persuasion Power
One consistent issue which often pops up within companies requesting our training is achieving persuasion pow...
Episode #57: Frank Packard, Founder & President, Triple A Partners Co. Ltd.
Frank Packard takes us through his journey in Japan as well as different cultures and business experience ...
Episode #244: What Japanese Presenters Get Wrong
Clients have some common problems with their Japanese leaders. I know this because the same requests keep co...
Episode #243: A Smile, Energy, Eyeline Make Such A Difference When Presenting Online
Once upon a time, we taught public speaking and presentation skills in a class room, with tons of people all ...
Episode #242: Naomi Osaka And The Public Speaking Mindset
“Naomi Osaka would have earned at least $200,000 dollars if she made the Top 16 in the French Tennis Open and...
Episode #244: The Craziness Of Sales In Japan
Japan’s image as a sophisticated country with a solid, unique traditional culture is well placed. For examp...
Episode #243: We Need More Formality On Line When Selling To Japanese Buyers
Selling to a buyer in-person and selling to the same Japanese buyer online are worlds apart. Yet how many sa...
Episode #242: I Like It, It Sounds Really Good, But I Am Not Going To Buy It
You manage to get the appointment, which at the moment is seriously job well done. Trying to get hold of cl...
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