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Episode #293: Silence Is Golden In Business In Japan
Tension is a good thing in business, because this is how we get things done. There is an issue which needs ...
Episode #293: The Power Of Enthusiasm, Structure And Vocal Variety When Presenting
How good is your Mongolian? Well, I don’t know even one word in Mongolian, but I learnt a powerful lesson ab...
Episode #240: Accountability Starts With The Leader
Holding our people accountable is one of the basics of being a leader. They flounder, deadlines pass unheede...
Episode #105: Nikolaus Boltze, Country Representative, Thyssenkrupp Japan
Nikolaus Boltze is currently the country representative for Thyssenkrupp in Japan. Mr. Boltze first came to ...
Episode #139: Is Your Sales Mindset Under Your Control
The morning dark gloom of heavy ponderous rain clouds, piling snow drifts or driving, cutting razor blade sl...
Episode #466: Business Meetings Are Mostly Ridiculous
When you mention the word “meetings” to people in business, their eyes often start to roll. Why is that? Us...
Episode #292: Be Bullet Proof Against Criticism Of Your Follow-up
The phrase “I was ghosted” is a new addition to the sales lexicon but the problem is ancient. You meet some...
Episode #292: Communicating Your Point Of View
The rule in business is to stay clear of religion and politics, because you risk alienating a chunk of your a...
Episode #239: Incentivising Salespeople
Life is full of various rhythms and flows. We have a set piece most mornings. Arise, eat, get ready for wo...
Episode #104: Joe Latteri, Managing Director, Customer Success, Meltwater Japan
Joe Latteri is currently the Managing Director for Customer Success with Meltwater Japan. Meltwater is a glo...
Episode #138: Overcoming The Procrastinator Inside You
We know we should do that project or piece of work but we resist. We may even be bold and get it into our T...
Episode #465: Leaders Must Sell The Need For Innovation
“It’s obvious, we need to be continually innovating”, we say to our team. But is it obvious to them and do ...
Episode #291: Your Agenda Or The Buyer’s When Selling
What would the buyer’s agenda be, during the sales call? “Don’t take too long, because I am busy”, “Don’t w...
Episode #291: I’m No Good In Front Of Big/Small Groups
I sometimes read about certain celebrities, historical figures or leaders who are described as being better p...
Episode #238: Selfish Presenters
My regular Rotary meeting held every week at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo has a featured speaker. Our speak...
Episode #103: Meghan Barstow, President, Edelman Japan
Meghan Barstow currently is the President at Edelman Japan. Ms. Barstow is originally from Alaska and Japan ...
Episode #137: Own Goals When Presenting
Japan is an interesting place. So many things here are ultra modern, high tech, totally nuanced and sophist...
Episode #464: Sixteen Communication Success Principles For Leaders
“Yeah, I’m a good communicator”, we say to ourselves, but that proposition is rarely seasoned with some soli...
Episode #290: Work On Your Sales Not In Your Sales
We have all heard that business advice to “work on your business, not in your business”. When we are the ow...
Episode #290: How To Be Effective During Podcast Interviews
We think of our presentations as something we give to an audience physically in the room with us or these day...
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