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Episode #246: Where are We Going
New Financial Years, new calendar years, new starts or not? We religiously muscle up and set our resolution...
Episode #112: Hans Werner Burg, Representative Director, Leschaco KK, Japan
Hans Werner Burg is currently the Representative Director for Leschaco KK in Tokyo Japan. Originally from Ge...
Episode #145: What Do You Care About In Sales
I am a buyer too and am constantly amazed by what some people get up to. They are playing that pathetic, fa...
Episode #473: Things Leaders Should Be Doing
Over the last six months we have been getting a steady stream of enquiry for leadership training. Covid ind...
Episode #299: Controlling Your Public Image As A Salesperson
In the good old days we could have multiple public personas in sales. We could be the professional salesper...
Episode #299: Remembering Ex-PM Shinzo Abe As A Communicator
Remembering Ex-PM Shinzo Abe As A Communicator Like everyone, I was so shocked that Japan has lost such a pr...
Episode #245: We Buy Benefits Not Features
Japan loves data and detail. All good, but it can be a trap when you are here trying to make sales in Japan...
Episode #111: Scott Smalley, Managing Director, Solutions, Japan, DSV
Scott Smalley is presently the Managing Director of DSV in Japan. Mr. Smalley is originally from Michigan in...
Episode #144: Youth Society Challenges In Japan's Workforce
Sakaiya Taichi, well known author and futurist, made an interesting observation about the current trend of ...
Episode #472: Leadership Essential Understandings
The P&L, the Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Projections, revenues, profit, the list goes on regarding where we...
Episode #298: Networking In A Time Of Covid
For the last two and a half years business networking has been dead. The usual suspects who hosted live net...
Episode #298: Don't Let Fear Drive Unprofessional Presentations
Imagine an experienced, senior executive from a name brand major company giving a one minute introduction of ...
Episode #244: You Don't Need To sell From Stage
The organisers of public presentations are usually not very happy for the presenter to start flogging their ...
Episode #110: Per Rasmussen, President and Representative Director for Millet Mountain Group, Japan
Per Rasmussen is currently the President and Representative Director for Millet Mountain Group, Japan. Mr. R...
REVIVAL: Episode #17: Three Important Things To Focus On In Sales
Episode #471: Guiding Principles Of Leadership (Part Two)
In Part One we covered principles 1-7 and we continue looking at some fundamentals we all know but may have ...
Episode #297: You Have Three Seconds For An Effective First impression
In our presentation training classes we ask the participants, “how long does it take for you to make a judgm...
Episode #297: Eyes, Hands, Face, Toes and Energy in Presenting
Recently I have been coaching people on their presentation skills. It is always amazing to me how some small...
REVIVAL Episode #100: The Power Of Passion When Speaking
Listen to our most popular episode in presentations for The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show! Formulistic p...
Episode #109: Doug Hymas, Japan Country Executive for the Bank of New York Mellon Group
Doug Hymas was the previous Japan Country Executive for the Bank of New York Mellon Group. Many years ago, d...
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