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Episode #303: That Key Last Five Minutes Of Your Presentation
Recency is a simple concept to understand. It basically means that we are all simple beings and we tend to ...
Episode #249: Stickability Needed
Japanese language has lots of insightful sayings and “mikka bozu” or only lasting as a priest for three days...
Episode #115: Dieter Haberl, President & CEO, Furla Japan
Originally from Austria, Mr. Dieter Haberl has a wide array of experiences, the most recent being the Presid...
Episode #148: To Start Or Not Start Selling
It always astonishes me that many salespeople have very little sense of proper timing to start selling their...
Episode #476: The Leader Who Loses Their Integrity
All guns blazing the new leader hits the ground running. They are the new broom, sweeping all the detritus ...
Episode #302: Clients Forget The Price
Have you ever paid for something that you found was very good and which you used for many years. You will h...
Episode #302: Making The Presentation Yours
It seems logical that any presentation we are giving is ours. Well, that is sort of correct, but what I am t...
Episode #248: Ask Don't tell
In the West, we have all been trained in consultative selling for many decades. The buyers are used to sales...
Episode #114: Masatsugu Shimono, ex-senior Vice President, IBM Japan
Masatsugu Shimono is the former Senior Vice President at IBM Japan. Mr. Shimono has a longstanding career of...
Episode #147: Good Idea Finding
We find it frustrating when we have good ideas or suggestions but all we receive is rejection or even worse ...
Episode #475: Who Do You Talk To, When You Are The Leader?
Covid-19 cases are skyrocketing every day. Just when you thought we might be getting somewhere, the latest ...
Episode #301: Why Does Everything Take So Long In Business In Japan?
“In our business, at our size, we have to be the speedboat, we cannot be the oil tanker”, is a key mantra fo...
Episode #301: Should I Copy The Style of Japanese Presentations When Doing Business In Japan?
I get this question quite often: “should I follow the logic of ‘when in Rome, do as the Romans do’ with regar...
Episode #247: Develop Persuasion Power
Being persuasive is not down to luck or accident, it is the result of good planning and execution. This is ...
Episode #113: Philippe Jardin, Country Manager, Pierre Fabre, Japan
Philippe Jardin is the Country Manager for Pierre Fabre in Japan. His interest in the global world was great...
Episode #146: Passions Speaks Volumes
Formulistic presentations tick the boxes, but don’t ignite much enthusiasm in the audience. The things that...
Episode #474: Leaders, Not Just Managers Please
Over the last six months we have been getting a steady stream of enquiry for leadership training. Covid ind...
Episode #300: Should We Worry About Our Competitors?
The ferocity of competitors depends on a number of factors. Are we in a commodity market where price and su...
Episode #300: Your Business Story Structure
Storytelling in business is an open field. In most facets of commerce, the field is crowded, established foe...
Episode #246: Where are We Going
New Financial Years, new calendar years, new starts or not? We religiously muscle up and set our resolution...
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