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Episode #490: Companies In Japan Need Real Leadership Right Now
As a training company, we are the canary in the coal mine about commercial trends and corporate shortfalls. ...
Episode #489: Four Strategies For Building Confidence In Being A New Leader
We work long, diligently and hard. We are recognised for our devotion and the quality of our output and get...
Episode #316: Are Your Buyer Questioning Skills Good Enough?
Many salespeople contemplating this title would be flummoxed. They don’t have really good questions for the...
Episode #262: How To Present As A Team When Selling
In business, we are asked to present as a team. We may be pitching for new business and the presentation re...
Episode #126: Yusuke Asai, CEO, Standard Chartered Bank, Tokyo Japan
Yusuke Asai is presently the CEO at Standard Chartered bank in Tokyo, Japan. Mr. Asai has spent over 32 year...
Episode #316: Why Are You Such A Boring Presenter?
Contemplating this title you may be thinking “I am not boring”. You would be a rarity in business then, beca...
Episode #161: Be Clear Every Time You Present
Most talks and presentations we hear, we cannot recall. Why is that? We were there presumably because we h...
Episode #315: Four Strategies For Building Confidence In Sales
Buyers can smell fear and desperation on salespeople. When the sales funnel is sad and prospects are few, w...
Episode #315: Four Strategies For Building Confidence As A Speaker
As a presentations trainer, I can appreciate the difference between class participants when they cross that b...
Episode #261: Nature's Attack Of Productivity Is Real
Brace yourself for everything to take a big hit twice a year. Speed, attention to detail, output, results a...
Episode #125: Noboru Nakatani, President & CEO of JASTEC Co., Ltd.
Noboru Nakatani has been leading in a global environment in various industries including manufacturing, IT, ...
Episode #160: Don't Be A Wimp On Pricing
Salespeople don't set the price of what they sell. This is usually an obscure outcome decided by someone el...
Episode #488: How Do You As The Leader Deal With Two Face-ism In Japan
“Japanese are two faced”, is a common complaint you will hear from foreigners in Japan. The implication is ...
Episode #314: Don’t Argue With The Client
The client is always right. No they aren’t. We usually have more information about our offering than the bu...
Episode #314: Should We Argue The Point With Our Audience
We have been asked to speak or we have punted a chance to speak to an audience. We will have a message in mi...
Episode #260: Don't Send To The Client
How I hate those four words – “send it to me”. I get that heavy feeling in my stomach and around my shoulde...
Episode #124: Ikuo Yasuda, Chairman, President & CEO of Pinnacle Inc
Ikuo Yasuda is the Chairman, President and CEO of Pinnacle Inc. (IMAP Japan) and is an expert in M&A bus...
Episode #159: Project Team Leader Skills
Project leadership is a task most leaders are never properly trained to perform and so the results are often...
Episode #313: The Beauty Of Presentation Practice
The date has been set for our presentation. Naturally, we are pretty busy with work, so we borrow that Toyot...
Episode #487: The Leader’s Unconscious Biases
There is a lot of focus on conscious and unconscious biases at the moment given the amount of attention bei...
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