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Episode #497: New Year Blues In Japan
The calendar year represents the start of a new year for many businesses. Others will be looking at April 1s...
Episode #323: Selling Is All About The Basics
We are starting the New Year and have we decided how we will start it? Are we going to just slide back into...
Episode #323: What Level Of Presenter Will You Become This Year?
There are some levels of presenter and so where do you fit in? The scaredy-cat like I used to be, avoiding a...
Episode #268: Speaking Spots Must Be Gotten
A businessman reached out to me after attending my recent speech on “The Seven Deadly Fails Of Selling In Ja...
Episode #132: Robert Roche, Executive Chairman And President, Shop Japan
Robert Roche, Founder and Executive Chairman of Oak Lawn Marketing and Founder and President of Roche Enterp...
Episode #167: Want To Have Influence-Here's How
Don’t think of a pink elephant. Did you think of one when you read that sentence? It shows how easily we c...
Episode #496: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Realties In Japan
Fads are a constant in business. Consultants have a field day. They rush around providing companies with id...
Episode #322: No Cushion, No Sale In Japan
A cushion, in the sales world, isn’t that thing you bite into with frustration when your old client buys fro...
Episode #267: Leaders Must Listen More
Dynamic, powerful, driven, single-minded leaders get stuff done. They are resourceful, disciplined, patient...
Episode #322: TED's Advice On Presenting
Chris Anderson is a curator for TED talks and so far there have been a billion views of TED talks since they ...
Episode #131: Amane Nakashima, Chairman Kewpie Corporation
Mr. Amane Nakashima is the Chairman of Kewpie Corporation, the manufacture of Kewpie mayonnaise, one of the ...
Episode #166: Get Your Sales Pacing Right
Time is of the essence. Patience is a virtue. Worthy aims but sometimes we mix these aspirations up in sal...
Episode #321: Understanding Features And Benefits In Sales
Most salespeople are very good on the detail of their solutions. The more technical the solution, in order ...
Episode #495: The 12 Commitments Method
Shaun Tomson was a famous South African world champion surfer and the recent guest on Tim Reid’s podcast Sma...
Episode #321: Selling Yourself When Presenting
In the sales world, it is well known that as buyers the first purchase we make is the salesperson serving us....
Episode #266: Selling In Japan Is Different
This is a pretty big subject, so I will pick up a few of the more noteworthy differences. In the West, sale...
Best Of The Best Encore: Episode #131: Never Start With An Apology
Beginning your talk in Japan with a series of apologies is standard practice. First apologise for speaking ...
Episode #494: The Japanese Don't Take Enough Leave And That Is Bad
Every month, I check the leave balance for my staff and am always unhappy with the numbers. The team can ac...
Episode #320: Over-Servicing Japanese Buyers
A very common complaint from foreign bosses here in Japan is that their sales staff are over-servicing the J...
Episode #320: Should I Go High Tech With My Presentation
I attended an online presentation recently and the presenter was from one of the HUGE social media companies ...
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