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Episode #272: Kokorogamae and Selling In Japan
Intention in life is key. Are we living an intentional life or are we a buffeted bystander of what is happe...
Episode #499: Japan Hates Change And You Represent Change
Getting change anywhere is a difficult process, but Japan is a special case. Often in business, we represen...
Episode #500: The End Of The Driving Leader In Japan
Western leadership is a meritocracy where the most driven, talented, hardest working and ambitious are given...
Episode #326: How To Recover From A Presentation Opening Disaster
We all know that first impressions are critical, but what happens if you blow it? There are a couple of typi...
Episode #326: Asking For The Business In Sales
I was listening to a sales podcast and the expert guest was lampooning some typical closes as outdated, insu...
Episode #171: What I Learnt About Leadership In The Dojo
I have often thought there are so many lessons from the martial arts for our businesses. Here are my musing...
Episode #271: Make Your Own Style Of Presentation
When we are writing, we can create a style of our own. The way we use certain vocabulary, the phrasing we a...
Episode #135: Tom Reich President And Executive Manager BAE Systems Japan
Tom Reich has been working in various roles for BAE systems in America and recently in Japan. Originally he...
Episode #170: How To End Your Presentation Nervousness
Speaking in front of others makes many people tongue tied and nervous. They struggle to get through a simpl...
Episode #325: Regret At Leisure If You Tolerate Riffraff Salespeople
Riffraff inhabit all corners of the business world, but the sales profession suffers more than many others. ...
Episode #270: Leaders Are So Key In Business
Rising in a company in Japan requires talent, but this is often held hostage to time. Your age, longevity an...
Episode #325: Why We Need To Apply More Professionalism To Weekly Work Presentations
As businesspeople, we don’t get that many chances to face a public audience and give an actual talk. The maj...
Episode #134: Ryan McGuire Managing Director Cutters Studios
Ryan McGuire established Cutters Studios Tokyo in 2012. He graduated from Sophia University Tokyo in 2002 a...
Episode #169: Negotiating To Win Big
We have many images of negotiation thanks to the media. Most of these representations however have very lit...
Episode #498: Beware Of Fake Elites In Japan
Society approves titles and status, especially in Japan. We rise through the ranks and following the Peter ...
Episode #324: How To Hit The Sales Target In Japan
Sale’s solutions are what make the business world thrive. The client has a problem and we fix it, our goods...
Episode #324: Ideas For Advanced Presentations
There are some fundamental mechanics of the presentation delivery. I would call these hygiene factors for pr...
Episode #269: Negotiation Dangers
Former American President John F. Kennedy left us with a great quote: “Let’s never negotiate out of fear. B...
Episode #133: Ruth Jarman, President Jarman International
Ruth Jarman is the founder of Jarman International. She graduated from Tufts with a BA in International rela...
Episode #168: Project Management
Projects have been around for a long time of course and in the modern era we have accumulated a vast amount ...
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