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Episode #337: The Danger Of Audacious Visuals
I have a couple of very good books here at home on how to create your visuals for the slide deck. The layout...
Episode #145: Takeshi Fujiwara, Ex-President, BBraun Japan
He started work as an industrial engineer, later joined a second Japanese company who sent him to Germany, w...
Episode #510: Leading Imperfect People
I prefer to lead high-performing individuals, capable, and driven people. But this luxury frequently c...
Episode #336: The Four "Excellents" For Salespeople
The front row of sales training courses will often have the best salesperson sitting there trying to get eve...
Episode #336: Do You Have Enough Stories When Presenting
The raconteur is admired and the reason is because they are brimming with interesting stories, incidents, vi...
Episode #281: Read The Vibe When Selling
There is a saying in Japan, Kuki wo Yomu, which means read the air or be aware of the atmosphere or subtexts...
Episode #144: Carl Eklund, Ex-President, Volvo Japan
Carl Eklund has been in Japan since 1979. He has had many high profile positions in Japan, including Presid...
Episode #282: Don't Promote People Without Training Them First
In the military, junior officers are the equivalent of middle management in business. In times of warfare t...
Episode #180: Charismatic Leadership
“Born to lead” is nonsense. Many things shaped that person in order for them to achieve credibility with ot...
Episode #509: How Are The New Year Resolutions Coming Along
Leadership requires discipline and accountability. We claim to know more than the team about the strategy a...
Episode #335: How Can The Player/Coach Sales Leader Manage The Twixt And Tween Problem
You have done an excellent job as a salesperson, hitting your numbers and getting a strong reputation as a “...
Episode #335: Don't Forget To Pause When Presenting
Don’t Forget To Pause When Presenting Nervousness drives speed when we are speaking. Without even realisin...
Episode #143: David Macdonald, Ex-CEO Discovery Japan GK
David Macdonald was originally a JET in Japan in 1995. He joined NTT Docomo in 1999 and then joined Walt Di...
Episode #280: Crucial Presentations
Usually when we hear the term “presentation”, we think of a public arena, a big crowd and a lot of formality...
Episode #179: When Do We Hit Our Limit As The Presenter
Sometimes you see a confident leader really bomb their presentation. It doesn’t happen all that often, but ...
Episode #508: Why I Hate The Lowest Common Denominator As The Leader
A change in recruitment and retention tactics is necessary in Japan due to the fierce competition for talen...
Episode #334: Don't Do This In Sales
There was an excellent effort on display here. A salesperson was using LinkedIn to find potential buyers an...
Episode #334: Getting From "Me" To "You" When Presenting
“Man, it feels hot in here. My throat is parched. My hands are sweating and butterflies have taken over my ...
Episode #279: Anticipate Issues As the Leader
Wayne Gretzky is famous for the ice hockey quote “skate to where the puck is going to be” about anticipatin...
Episode #278: How To Handle "No Budget" Pushback
“We Don’t Have Any Budget”. Yes You Do! In the profession of sales, this is one of the most widespread pus...
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