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Episode #514: Inclusion, Conflict and Diversity In Japan
Like a disease, internal friction erodes our organisations and is especially difficult for leaders who...
Episode #340: How To Do Sales Role Play Practice
Role play is one of the keys to improving in sales. We are in a psychologically safe environment where we c...
Episode #340: What To Do When Disaster Hits Just Before Your Presentation
I was reading a post on LinkedIn by an American lady, who spilt coffee over her blouse, just moments before s...
Episode #285: Japan Inc
“What anchors their behavior is the salaryman’s desire to protect himself – no one wants to put their positi...
Episode #148: Leo Keeley, President and CEO Japan B2B Sales
Leo Keeley is the President and CEO of B2B Sales. He has held a number of posts here in Japan, inlcuding Vic...
Episode #183: Don't Tell It Like It Is
You have to tell people how it is or you will lose power and authority. If you swallow what you want to say...
Episode #513: Getting To Inclusion
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion has become an important topic in Japan and the trigger to getting to diversi...
Episode #339: Prediction Ability In The Sales Call
Salespeople are constantly talking to clients, but if you think about it, clients don’t have that many conve...
Episode #339: Hybrid Presentations Can Be Fraught
Presenting online is difficult. Presenting in person is difficult. The new hybrid version is a combination o...
Episode #284: Failing Salespeople
Are you failing in sales yourself or do you have sales staff reporting to you who are not making their numbe...
Episode #147: Michael Bobrove, CEO HealthyTOKYO
Michael Bobrove is a founder and CEO of HealthyTOKYO, which has pioneered the introduction of CBD oil into t...
Episode #182: Capturing Your Audience
We can speak to a group and then there is another level, where we try to captivate our audience. What makes...
Episode #512: Key Factors To Achieving Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Part two
In Part One of Key Factors To Achieving Diversity, Equity & Inclusion In Japan, I covered Building Trust...
Episode #338: Not Doing Sales Training Is Stupid
I was chatting with a prospective client about a proposal I had submitted and he offered this feedback from ...
Episode #338: Helping Japanese Present In English Becomes More Urgent
Major money has been spent for decades by the Japanese Government, to improve the level of English in Japan a...
Episode #283: Self Promotion
I am infamous in Tokyo. I always ask the first question of the speaker at an event. “Oh Greg, you always a...
Episode #146: Cairo Marsh, Founder and Executive Partner, relativ*
Originally from the Bronx, Cairo was a VP and Account Director for Data Solutions in New York. He came to J...
Episode #181: Superior Customer Service
Jan Carlzon many years ago published a tremendous guide to customer service. He had the job of turning arou...
Episode #511: Human Skills Needed For Leaders
As a new leader taking over an established group, I've come to see how critical it is to comprehend in...
Episode #337: What to do About Losing Track Of Buyers
How could we lose track of buyers? Unfortunately it is very easy. That nice person we have been dealing wi...
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