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Four Steps To Sales Certainty
The hardest sales job in the world is selling something you don’t believe in yourself. The acid test is wou...
Handling Nasty Questions From Nasty People
We have probably all been on the receiving end of it or have been a witness to it. The presentation is comp...
Selling Ain't Telling
He slid effortlessly into the chair and before I knew it, he had popped open the oyster shell of his laptop ...
Disagree Agreeably
It's inevitable - at some point disagreements are going to come up in the workplace. Power struggles, politic...
Episode #181: Eriko Asai, Co-Founder TRINITY Indo-Pacific Partners
Previously Eriko was President GE Japan, Director American Medical Device & Diagnostics Association of J...
Managers Are An Unaffordable Luxury
Doing more, and doing it better, faster and with less is driving global business. A cadre of professional m...
The Deadly Seven Are Killing Your Team's Motivation
Getting the team motivated is hard enough without us screwing it up. Here are seven things we should elimin...
Principled Salespeople Win
In 1936 an unknown author, despite many frustrating years of writing drafts and receiving publisher rejectio...
Making Yourself Clear
Public speaking throws up many fears and challenges for all of us. As part of High Impact Presentations, one ...
Presentation Effectiveness
We are such a judgmental lot aren’t we! We form opinions about people within seconds of seeing them, often e...
Episode #180: Ted Katagi, Founder Kenja
Previously Ted was the Chief Operating Officer at Picsel UK, Senior Managing Director Fidelity Investments, ...
Six Ways To Accentuate Your Authentic Leader Voice
Why are so few business leaders good communicators, given all the education they have received, starting at ...
Essentials For Motivating Salespeople
“Hey, it’s a jungle out there”. A brilliant meeting followed by a woeful meeting; the emotional roller-coast...
Credibility Counts For Everything In Sales
Salespeople are carrying around a lot of baggage with them when they visit clients. The smooth talking, dodg...
How To Destroy Your Reputation In 60 Seconds
It is a big crowd, yet the conversation suddenly dies and a hushed silence now sweeps through the room. All e...
Episode #179: Martin Fluck, Area General Manager Far East Hospitality, Japan
Previously Martin was the General Manager, Global Treehouse Inc., Director of Operations, North Asia, Oakwo...
Episode #178: Paul Chapman, CEO & Founder Moneytree
Previously Paul was Adjunct Industry Fellow In Mobile Software at Swinburne Uinversity of Technology, Founde...
Episode #177: Kevin Holdaway, CEO GPlus Media Inc
Kevin played a number of roles at GPlus Media incuding Sales Director and General Manager. Previously he wa...
Episode #541: The Exorbitant Cost of Leader Stress
I am putting this content together for me to remind myself that psychosomatic illness is a real thing...
Episode #367: Dealing With Organisational Distractions When Selling
We have all seen it – the pendulum swings of organisational change. You can basically break out your stopwa...
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