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Episode #583: AI Enabled Leadership In Japan
We know that AI has gone from the domain of geeky people in white lab coats to the mainstream of business i...
Episode #582: Leading People Through Disagreements in Japan
Recently, I was teaching a class of APAC executives on how to handle pushback to their ideas. Some particip...
Episode #581: Techniques For Getting Agreement As The Leader
Pulling rank on people is clearly the fastest and easiest way to get people to fly straight and do what we ...
Episode #580: No Legacy Leadership In Japan
Have you ever had the experience of leaving a job and seeing your successor screw it up? We spend so many ...
Episode #579: Leaders Embracing Change In Japan
Is change good or bad? When I was promoted or received a big bonus, I liked the change from my previous si...
Episode #578: “Ichi-Go, Ichi-E” (一期一会) Cherish The Moment Leaders
This Japanese expression “Ichi-Go, Ichi-E” (一期一会), linked to Zen, focuses on transience and can be translat...
Episode #577: Seven Points For Leaders When Giving Talks
Recently, my social media has been full of short videos of various politicians and supporters giving talks ...
Episode #576: Twelve Steps To A Win-Win Conflict Resolution Part Two
Twelve Steps To A Win-Win Conflict Resolution Part Two We have looked at some of the steps in Part One, so...
Episode #575: Twelve Steps To A Win-Win Conflict Resolution Part One
“Remember that other people may be totally wrong, but they don’t think so”. This quote from Dale Carnegie s...
Episode #574: Resolving Internal Conflicts In Japan
Business is more fast-paced that ever before in human history. Technology boasting massive computing and co...
Episode #573: What Is “Enclothed Cognition” And Why Does It Matter To Leaders in Japan?
I saw a video recently from Rampley and Co in the UK featuring Caryn Franklin, a Fashion and Identity Comme...
Episode #572: The Leader Is The Face Of The Business In Japan
I meet a lot of CEOs in Japan. I am always out there networking and looking for clients. If they cannot b...
Episode #571: Joe Biden’s Lessons On Destroying Your Leadership Credibility For Japan CEOs
Being an Aussie I don’t have the right to select the next US President or get involved in American politics...
Episode #570: Navigating Going For It And Blowing Yourself Up In Japan
I am a maniac. A less charged descriptor might be an “enthusiast”. Now Japan is a country chock full of e...
Episode #569: Delegate Or Disappear In Business In Japan
They are not making as many Japanese as they used to. Every year we get these headlines about the new lows...
Episode #568: Business Opportunities In Japan
Episode #567: Tough Love Or Fake Praise To Motivate Staff In Japan
This tough love or fake praise alternative is a dubious construct. Are these two alternatives really the on...
Episode #566: How To Influence Engagement In Japan
APAC always ranks low in global engagement surveys. At the very bottom of the APAC calculation sits Japan. ...
Episode #565 People-First Leadership In Japan
Alan Mulally has had a very successful career at Ford and Boeing. Over his 45 years as a leader, he develo...
Episode #564: Handling Underperformance In Japan
I was having lunch with an expat client who has been here about a year and a half. We were talking about p...
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