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Episode #203: How Frequently Should You Practice Your Presentations?
The usual frequency for most people for giving formal presentations is once in a blue moon. In other words,...
Episode #543: Common Leadership Shortcomings We Need To Avoid In Japan
As leaders are we all perfect? Are we perfect all the time? Obviously, the answer is “no” to both counts...
Episode #369: The Real Know, Like And Trust In Sales In Japan - Part One -KNOW
We have all heard this bromide about Know, Like and Trust in sales, but have we really deeply explored what ...
Episode #369: How To Construct Your Presentation In Japan
There is a famous speech construct which we have all heard; “Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell ...
Episode #303: Leaders Need To Recognise Their People's Work In Japan
The Spa magazine in Japan previously released the results of a survey of 1,140 male full-time employees in th...
Episode #185: Alfonso Asensio, Managing Director, Jellyfish Japan
Previously Alfonso was Japan Country Manager, Regional Director North Asia, Oracle Advertising; Business Di...
Episode #202: Objections Required In Sales In Japan
Buyers should buy and not quibble, hesitate or question. That at least is what salespeople hope for. The rea...
Episode #542: As The Leader Is It "Do" Or Is It "Be"
As The Leader Is It “Do” Or Is It “Be”? Which is more important to us as the leader – what we choose to do...
Episode #368: AI Created Content Is Average So Add Your Storytelling
AI Created Content Is Average So Add Your Storytelling AI has opened the floodgates to allow any idiot to c...
Episode #368: Authentic Bumbling Or Fake Perfection When Presenting?
Authentic Bumbling Or Fake Perfection When Presenting? “I want to be perfect when I speak”. No, you don’t! ...
Episode #302: Starting Your Sales Presentation With A Lie Is Idiocy In Japan
Riffraff inhabit all corners of the business world, but the sales profession suffers more than many others. ...
Episode #184: Bostjan Ljubic, Managing Director, Japan & Korea ARYZTA
Previously Bostjan was Executive Officer, Director of Global Sales And Special Projects Compass Group, Comme...
How To Command The Great Unwashed Rabble
The Master of Ceremony (MC) goes to the microphone to get the programme underway but the audience are simply ...
Let's Go For The Sale's Bulls-Eye
Sale’s solutions are what make the business world thrive. The client has a problem and we fix it, our goods ...
The Self-Disciplined Leader
Leadership is about creating environments that influence others to achieve group goals. This works because ...
Five Steps For Your Acceptance Speech
You are at an event, it could be internal presentation or an industry event and you are been chosen for a pr...
Episode #183: Joe Peters, Managing Director, iSearch Worldwide
Joe Peters, Managing Director, iSearch Worldwide Joe previously was President Transamerica Direct Marketin...
Salespeople Don't Care
Like a lot of people, I subscribe to various sites that send you useful information, uplifting quotes etc. T...
Episode #182: Brian Nelson, Chairman GLBB
Previously Brian was an Advisor to Curvegrid, Advisor to Cerego Japan, Principal Advisor In Japan Kelly Slat...
Storytelling For Business
Best intentions, higher callings, righteousness – all good stuff but without good communication, our efforts ...
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