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Episode #18: How To Kill Your Brand With Public Speaking
Seriously sad really. Our speaker had some excellent points to convey but due to silly basic errors, killed ...
Episode #17: Stage Fright Got you?
Hands and legs quivering, knees knocking together, face turning red, pulse racing, mind whiting out – this i...
Episode #16: Don't Tell Me, Show Me
Japan is an interesting place where there is a lot of respect for people’s job titles and position in the co...
Episode #15: Dale Carnegie's Three Iron Rules Of Public Speaking
Not everyone should be a presenter. We don’t need higher levels of boredom or disinterest than we have alrea...
Episode #14: Goodbye Presentation Nerves
Unexpectedly, twelve time Grand Slam Tennis tournament winner Novak Djokovic has some good advice for public...
Episode #13: Rockin it Women Presenters In Japan
The presentations world is still a male bastion in Nippon. I attend lot of events in Tokyo and probably the ...
Episode #12: Persuasion Power Trump Style
Donald Trump isn’t a textbook presenter. He breaks many of the rules of presenting, but nevertheless he has ...
Episode #11: Wow Them At The End Of Your Presentation
It is rare to see a presentation completed well, be it inside the organization, to the client or to a larger...
Episode #10: That Vital Two Second Window
Question: how long does it take you on average to form a first impression of someone? My presentation traini...
Episode #9: Find Your Leader Voice
Why are so few business leaders good communicators, given all the education they have received, starting at ...
Episode #8: How To Market Yourself In Under One Minute
Meeting new business contacts, expanding personal networks, promoting a reliable, trustworthy “Brand You” ar...
Episode #7: How To Command The Rabble
The Master of Ceremony (MC) goes to the microphone to get the programme underway but the audience are simply...
Episode #6: Storytelling For Business
Best intentions, higher callings, righteousness – all good stuff but without good communication, our efforts...
Episode #5: Making Yourself Clear
Public speaking throws up many fears and challenges for all of us. As part of High Impact Presentations, one...
Episode #4: How To Destroy Your Reputation In 60 Seconds
It is a big crowd, yet the conversation suddenly dies and a hushed silence now sweeps through the room. All ...
Episode #3: Presentation Effectiveness For All
We are such a judgmental lot aren’t we! We form opinions about people within seconds of seeing them, often e...
Episode #2: Delivering Presentations With Clarity
There are a number of common structures for giving presentations and one of the most popular is the opening-...
Episode #244: Japan Must Globalise But Where Are The Global Leaders?
The consumer demographics for Japan are crystal clear. The domestic market is shrinking and will continue to...
Episode #243: Questions As Incoming Missiles
The new President, a super star with a brilliant resume, started attending our Division’s weekly meetings. W...
Episode #242: Effective Team Building Is Not A Snap
You are sitting there at your desk beavering away as usual when you get the phone call. Suddenly you are cal...
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