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Episode #34: Should I Memorise Or Read My Presentation Content
The content was really great and the way the words were put together was quite clever. Obviously a tremendou...
Episode #33: How To Present Technical Subjects To Non-Experts
Technical experts love their specialty. Usually, they have studied hard and long to get into their professio...
Episode #32: Don't Give Mystifying Presentations
The global chief’s private jet has landed. We are all assembled in a luxury hotel’s gorgeous function room. ...
Episode #31: What Is The Correct Breathing Method When Presenting
Breathing is such a natural act and normally, we don’t pay it much attention. Some how though, when we are g...
Episode #30: Where Should I Stand When I Am Presenting
Usually this isn’t even a question for most presenters because the organisers have already set up the room a...
Episode #29: How Not To Use Your Hands When Presenting
We think of speaking as an activity where we use our voice. That is true but we use a lot more than that. We...
Episode #28: Presentation Advice for Japanese Politicians
Vince Staples, American Hip Hop Rapper, was recently quoted in a Financial Times interview, “You have to pai...
Episode #27: Speaker Final Impressions
Final impressions at the end of a speech are what determine our memory of the person. Life is throwing so m...
Episode #26: Evidence Rich Presentations
There are a number of common structures for giving presentations and one of the most popular is the opening-...
Episode #25: When Presenting You Gotta Have Rhythm
Usually a speech or presentation is somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour long. Obviously, the longer the...
Episode #24: The 55% Of How We Communicate Is Visual Myth
Professor Albert Mehrabian’s 1967 study of communication concluded that 55% of the presenter’s message was r...
Episode #23: The Design Stage Of Presenting
Many people don't start out with a design for their talk. They launch straight into the details, especially...
Episode #22: The Presenter's Mindset
Our mental approach to our activities determines our success. We know this in sports and in business, but w...
Episode #21: How To Prepare For Your Talk
Before jumping straight into the slides to build your presentation, identify your likely audience. It might ...
Episode #20: Showtime Are you Ready Part Two
The hush has now swept across the room. All eyes are fixed on the MC, breaths are being held, awaiting the a...
Episode #19: Showtime - Are You Ready - Part One
Episode #18: How To Kill Your Brand With Public Speaking
Seriously sad really. Our speaker had some excellent points to convey but due to silly basic errors, killed ...
Episode #17: Stage Fright Got you?
Hands and legs quivering, knees knocking together, face turning red, pulse racing, mind whiting out – this i...
Episode #16: Don't Tell Me, Show Me
Japan is an interesting place where there is a lot of respect for people’s job titles and position in the co...
Episode #15: Dale Carnegie's Three Iron Rules Of Public Speaking
Not everyone should be a presenter. We don’t need higher levels of boredom or disinterest than we have alrea...
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