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Episode #54: Pink Elephant Your Way To Influence
Don’t think of a pink elephant. Did you think of one when you read that sentence? It shows how easily we can...
Episode #53: How To Make A Magnificent Acceptance Speech
You want to promote your business or organisation, so that you can be more successful. A genius idea pops up...
Episode #52: Do Your Homework
I was at a speech recently, given by a very prominent person, an extremely experienced speaker, to a very pr...
Episode #51: Nerves Are Not Needed
Speaking in front of others makes many people tongue tied and nervous. They struggle to get through a simple...
Episode #50: Let's Be Clear
Most talks and presentations we hear, we cannot recall. Why is that? We were there presumably because we had...
Episode #49: How To Rehearse Your Presentation
Every performance is better when practiced beforehand and presenting is no different. We don’t do it for a m...
Episode #48: Pizazz Baby, We Need More Pizazz When Presenting
Pizazz is one of those unusual words, that sounds kind of cool, but is a bit vague. In presenting terms, we ...
Episode #47: Own The Space And Work The Room
Getting up in front of people is confronting for a lot of speakers. Beady eyes are boring into you, a sea of...
Episode #46 Hard And Soft When Presenting
It is so easy to become “Johnny One Note” when presenting. We get locked into a modality of voice and body l...
Episode #45: Boris Johnson's Lessons On Public Speaking
As the Foreign Secretary for Britain, Boris Johnson gets a lot of practice giving speeches and fielding toug...
Episode #44: Knowledge + Skill + Attitude
Highly knowledgeable people are often at a big disadvantage in business. They have expertise and experience....
Episode #43 The Power Of Passion When Speaking
Formulistic presentations tick the boxes, but don’t ignite much enthusiasm in the audience. Yes, the key poi...
Episode #42: Clueless Smart People
Japan is an interesting place. So many things here are ultra modern, high tech, totally nuanced and sophisti...
Episode #41: Lawyers Need To Be Good Presenters, But Don't Know It
Lawyers are smart people, but sometimes do self-defeating things. They are discovering that unlike the “good...
Episode #40: Well Japan, I'm Sorry
Well educated from two top ranked Universities. Undergraduate in Japan and an MBA from the USA. He had a v...
Episode #39: Show Me, Don't Tell Me
Japan is an interesting place where there is a lot of respect for people’s job titles and position in the co...
Episode #38: Designing Our Presentation Part Two
Questions are very powerful. These should be asked rhetorically, in a way that the audience is not actually...
Episode #37: Designing Our Presentation Part One
Designing our presentation is a critical stage. We have identified our target audience for our key messages...
Episode #36: Are You Any Good - It Is 10 Minutes in?
We have worked hard to get our opening right. We know that first impressions really count and we have planne...
Episode #35: You Need 400 Faces When Presenting
Can we be successful as a presenter if we don't connect with our audience? Many presenters believe this sim...
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