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Episode #247: Soft Versus Hard In Leadership
I was invited to speak about Japan at an HR Forum in Taipei recently. The audience was made up of very senio...
Episode #1: Salespeople Need To Care
Do you subscribe to various sites that send you useful information, uplifting quotes etc? The following mors...
Episode #246: Bruce Lee Nailed This Leadership Flaw
I am a big Bruce Lee fan, but I never thought of him as a purveyor of leadership wisdom. Lot’s of interestin...
Episode #245: Japan's Galapagos Syndrome Still Alive And Well
The description of Japan, as similar to the remote islands of Galapagos off the South American coastline is ...
Episode #89: How To Rehearse Your Presentation
We have planned our talk, all we need do now is deliver it. We have designed it, starting with the key punc...
Episode #88: Rhetorical Questions When Presenting
Are we talking at people, to people or with people when we are presenting? The “talking at” part is easy to...
Episode #87: Giving Presentations: It Is Harder Than It Looks Folks
When you are an instructor and coach for presenters or a regular presenter, you tend to be immersed in that ...
Episode #86: I've Got My Eye On You
Eye line in Japan is a tricky subject. This is a non-confrontational, high harmony, consensus culture. Loo...
Episode #85: Outstanding Japanese Presenters
I spend a lot of time complaining about how poor is the professional quality of presenters in Japan. It is t...
Episode #84: Powerpoint Free Presentations
Visuals on a screen are very powerful communication tools when presenting. Being able to show graphs can re...
Episode #83: How To Select Data For Presentations In Business In Japan
How much is enough data in a presentation? How much is too much? Generally speaking, most presenters have ...
Episode #82: Presenting In Business In Japan
Japan has some particular ways of doing things. We say "when in Rome, do as the Romans do". That would be ...
Episode #81: How To Read Faces When Presenting In Japan
People staring at you intently when you are presenting can be unnerving. This is especially the case when we...
Episode #80: Being Persuasive In Business In Japan
Business schools are teaching put up your conclusion first in the Executive Summary and then the evidence an...
Episode #79: Presenter Survival Tips For A Tech Meltdown
When the tech crashes, you shouldn't crash and burn with it when presenting. Absolutely ALWAYS get to the ve...
Episode #78: How To Murder Your Personal Brand In Japan
When you get up and speak in front of an audience, you are putting your professional and personal brand on t...
Episode #77: What Is The One Key Thing When Presenting
I was talking with a friend, while we were having lunch at this very nice Italian restaurant he frequents, n...
Episode #76: Don't Be Boring When Presenting
Every week I get to listen to speeches from some of the top people in their field. I belong to an elite Rota...
Episode #75: How To Facilitate When Presenting
Many presentations are one dimensional. The speaker speaks and we just listen, maybe getting a chance to lob...
Episode #74: Do You Have A Great Voice As A Speaker?
Probably only a microscopic number of speakers have had any voice training. The vast majority of us are in b...
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