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Episode #265: Japan Can Be Brutal In Sports And Business
We recently had a blatant example of poor sportsmanship here in an American Football game between two tradit...
Episode #16: Creating Consistently Great Customer Service
Jan Carlzon many years ago published a tremendous guide to customer service. He had the job of turning aroun...
Episode #264: The Future Of Leadership
Episode #15: You Don't Want Sales
Clever, shallow, smooth as silk, glib, “rat with a gold tooth” salespeople are the scourge of the earth. The...
Episode #263: Stress In Business In Japan
We know that stress is a killer. Stress is something that sits there under the surface and it effects our h...
Episode #14: Stop Sales Suicide
What we say and how we say it matters. It matters in life, in families and in business- especially in sales....
Episode #262: Worry In Business In Japan
There are so many things we have to worry about in business. Do we have enough cash flow to pay the bills, w...
Episode #13: The Negotiation Process
“Winning is not a sometime thing. You don’t do things right once in a while…you do them right all of the tim...
Episode #261: Longevity In Business In Japan
Longevity means a lot in Japan. People who are risk averse like the fact your company has been around for a...
Episode #260: Praise Or Flattery When Doing Business In Japan
Japan is awash with praise but it is praise more on the flattery side of the equation. When you get here an...
Episode #12: What Successful Negotiators Do
Every sale is a negotiation. It might be centered around price but it could also be around delivery times, q...
Episode #96: Vacuum Up Cool Stuff For Your Presentations
Do you have one of those diaries that includes a daily quotation on the page? Or maybe you subscribe to a s...
Episode #259: Dealing With Crime In Business In Japan
Crime is going to be a feature of any society. There are going to be different elements of crime – activiti...
Episode #11: Omotenashi - Real Japanese Customer Service
I am sure you have you seen notices explaining that this store location is going to close while the building...
Episode #95: Walking The Talk
Episode #258: Face Is Very Important In Business In Japan
If you enjoy a good debate, well Japan is not the place for you then. In Western culture debating is part of...
Episode #10: Nasty Buyers
The customer is Kamisama (God) in sales in Japan. We hear this a lot here across all industries and sectors....
Episode #94 How To Liven Up A Speech You Need To Read
Watching a friend of mine deliver his speech to my Rotary Club reminded me of the perils of reading speeches...
Episode #257: Getting Change In Business In Japan
Getting change anywhere is a difficult process, but Japan is a special case. Often in business, we represen...
Episode #9: The Sales Valley Of Death
Sales cannot run like a manufacturing production line. We are not making industrial cheese here. This is mor...
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