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The Leadership Equation
I remember reading once about a President reflecting on the cost controls he had instituted inside his orga...
As A Leader How To Provide Guidance Your People Will Follow
Giving people orders is fine and fun, when you are the leader. Not so great when you are on the receiving ...
Leadership Principles Are An Absolute Must
Harvard Business School, Stanford Business School and INSEAD Business School are all awesome institutions. ...
How Decisions Are Really Made Inside Japanese Companies
The President of a company is a very powerful force. They drive the direction, the strategy and the culture...
Leaders Need To Empty Their Cup
Tokusan the scholar visited Ryutan the Zen Master to learn about Zen. Tokusan was a very smart fellow and v...
Leadership-Key Competencies Needed To Lead Others – Part Two
In Part One we looked at two broad categories of leadership competences around being Self-Aware and having ...
Leadership-Key Competencies Needed To Lead Others (Part One)
Leading is super easy. You are given the title, the authority, the budget, the power and then you just tel...
The Slings And Arrows Of Outrageous Fortune Running A Virtual Team
Japan has some set pieces around leadership. The Middle Manager boss sits at the head of an array of desks...
How To Have Executive Presence In Japan
Clients sometimes ask us to help their Japanese executives have more “presence”. This is rather a vague co...
Why We Need Phase Three Thinking
In business we live in the world of shallow statements of opinion. Imagine there is a topic for discussion...
Kokorogamae For Leaders
Kokorogamae is one of those Japanese concepts which are a bit tricky to translate. Kokoro by itself as a w...
Holistic Time Management For Leaders
Leaders are now leading invisible people. Their staff are no longer in sight or at best are only visible i...
Killing Rumours And Misconceptions
Staffing is a subject that gets a lot of attention from those within and without the organisation. Those ou...
Episode #590: Avoiding the Leadership Disconnect. Stay Close to the Action In Japan
Avoiding the Leadership Disconnect. Stay Close to the Action In Japan The usual advice is to get off the to...
Episode #589: Leading Direct Reports When You Are A Small Team In Japan
Large organisations have many willing hands. Often, the quality of the people employed is very high, and t...
Episode #588: Transform Your Team Leadership. Secrets For Building Cohesion and Performance In Japan
Teams don’t build themselves. They are delicate, fragile and unstable. They need constant care and attentio...
Episode #587: The Collapse Of On-the-Job Training in Japan: A Wake-Up Call for Companies
When I first got to Tokyo in 1979, there was a very well established corporate educational system in Japan....
Episode #586: Why Authenticity Matters – Inspiring Leadership For Japan’s Evolving Workplace
The blow torch has never been applied more ferociously to how leaders lead than what we see today. Once up...
Episode #585: Why Becoming An Effective Leader Is Challenging In Japan
We recently completed an in-house Leadership Training for Managers programme for a local Japanese firm. The...
Episode #584: Breaking Leader Bad Habits - The Struggles of Health, Fitness, and Stress We All Face
Are you sitting too much and for too long at your desk every day? Are you eating too much every meal becau...
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