Free Course Preview

High Impact Presentations Course FREE Preview

Persuasive Confident, Impressive - Presentation Success Secrets


Please visit us for a free trial session. You can experience a part of the course. Our trainers and consultants will be happy to explain and give you more detailed information.


A presentation is a critical business tool. Whether your communication goal is to persuade, sell, or inspire, effective presentation skills are what will differentiate you from your competitors Think of it as the jewel in your crown. When properly executed, your presentation will make you stand out. Your audience will view you as a prepared, informed, and confident public speaker.

Course Dates

Course Details

Using Dale Carnegie’s presentation coaching method, we will help you become a superbly confident speaker. You will present 7 times over two days while being videotaped, and you will receive personal coaching while watching the recordings. You will be coached by two professional trainers, who will provide you with personalized feedback and help you develop your presentation skills. (8 hours x 2 days, face-to-face)

2 days(8 hours per day)
Day 1Introduction:

• Opening
• Training objectives/Overview
Creating a positive first impression:

• Identify personal objectives for the training
• Presentation fundamentals and guidelines
• Build rapport with the audience
• Self introduction (making a positive first impression)
• Prepare & give presentation
• #1 Record each presentation, and receive one-on-one feedback in the review room
Increasing credibility:

• Reinforce informative messages with supportive evidence.
• Prepare & give presentation - explain your company/organization or business in a persuasive way)
• #2 Record each presentation, and receive one-on-one feedback in the review room
Presenting complex information 1:

• Keys to convey complex information in a concise and easy-to-understand manner
• How to effectively use visual references
• Follow a logical progression of ideas
• Relate to an audience at their level
Presenting complex information 2:

• Giving a clear presentation that explains technical or professional content
• Prepare & give presentation 4 min + Q&A (Determine the level of the listener and focus on the important points
•#3 Record each presentation, and receive one-on-one feedback in the review room


• Organize/share what was learned today
• Preparation assignment for the next day
Day 2 Introduction:

• Opening
• Today’s agenda
Communicate with greater impact:

• Develop increased flexibility through using expressions/gestures/and voice modulation
• Present written materials in a captivating manner
• Demonstrate ownership of unfamiliar material
• #4 Record each presentation and receive one-on-one feedback in the review room
Motivating others to action:

• Present in a results oriented way
• Be motivational, clear and precise
• Persuade an audience to take action.
• Motivate others to act by appealing with logic and emotion
• Prepare & give presentation
• #5 Record each presentation, and receive one-on-one feedback in the review room
Responding to pressure situations:

• Maintain professional composure under pressure
• Communicate clear, concise, positive messages
• Sell strategic ideas, self and organisation
• Communicate leadership ability to handle stressful situations
• #6 Record each presentation, and receive one-on-one feedback in the review room
Inspiring people to embrace change:

• Logically and emotionally appeal to the audience.
• Use structure to gain the confidence of the audience
• Be convincing
• Prepare & give presentation 4 min + Q&A
• #7 Record each presentation, and receive one-on-one feedback in the review room

• Review what was learned during the course

Training Objectives

Have you been avoiding public speaking because you lack confidence? Effective presentation skills can be developed through training. With Dale Carnegie's proven method of presentation success, you will become a powerful presenter.

How it will help you

You will learn important skills to make a positive first impression, build rapport with your audience from the opening of your talk, and win over challenging crowds. You will learn how to use your voice, facial expressions and gestures to maximize your impact and better market your ideas, your company, and yourself.

Suitable for

Businesspeople who wish to strengthen their professional speaking ability, improve their presentation skills and become a persuasive presenter.

Session Details: Performance Change Pathway

  • Step 1: Pre-Work (3 videos, 3 podcasts, 3 Thought Leadership Articles)
  • Step 2: Performance Coaching For Managers Workshop (optional - 60 minutes – Managers of participants are re-skilled to drive follow-up and results)
  • Step 3: Kick-off Session (1 hour online), Pre-training survey, Accountability partner assignment
  • Step 4: Participate in the Main Program (3or 12 Sessions)
  • Step 5: 28-week self-paced learning program starts (Weekly video and audio content sent for 28 weeks)
  • Step 6: Deep Learning 1 (2 hours online session 30 days after main program ends)
  • Step 7: Deep Learning 2 (2 hours online session 90 days after main program ends)
  • Step 8: Professional Ongoing Education Program (2 hours session every month)

Frequently Asked Questions for High Impact Presentations

Please find our frequently asked questions and answers for this course.

Japan Presentation Mastery: Your Complete Presentations Bible

Don’t miss it! Whenever you speak in public you are being judged.

Your personal and professional brands are under critical scrutiny. And Japan brings its own special challenges. When Dr. Greg Story started his speaking career in Japan, he spoke in Japanese, read every word of his speech, had his head down, never once looked at his audience, was nervous and sped things up, and finished his scheduled 25-minute speech in eight minutes. It was an unmitigated disaster

He has now lived in Japan for more than 36 years and has given over 550 speeches (roughly half in Japanese). Today, he is a Dale Carnegie Master Trainer, certified to instruct the High Impact Presentations Course. He is a well-regarded local and international speaker, based in Tokyo. If he could go from massive disaster to master, then so can you. To be persuasive, clear, concise, impactful, well regarded and professional, stop holding yourself back! Read this book.

Buy on Amazon >>

Frequently Asked Questions

Please view our Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about our training.

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